Our Services

We help you to improve your business, engage with your customers, protect your information infrastructure, and save you money.

As a team we offer over 50 years’ experience of delivering innovative and sustainable projects, programmes and digital implementations to support enterprise growth, business transformations and organisational assurance in the public, social enterprise and private sectors.

Our business is wholly committed to providing professional, independent, expert advice and supporting our clients to achieve their goals.

We pride ourselves on delivering cost effective solutions to customer problems whether product, process or programme related. We provide services in the following key business areas:

AMDS services

PROJECT, PROGRAMME & PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT At AMDS Consultants Ltd we provide a comprehensive design, development and delivery services for projects, programmes and portfolios. Our services are built on established methods and an outcome focussed approach that meets your needs. Click here to find out more

Cyber crime protection

ORGANISATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND ASSURANCEAt AMDS Consultants Ltd we provide a pragmatic but comprehensive approach to our clients who are seeking to improve their business resilience whether through improved processes, systems and structures or accreditation to international standards. Click here to find out more


DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT & DELIVERY OF CHANGEAt AMDS Consultants Ltd we work with clients to identify the need for change, help plan a coherent implementation programme targeting early impact with high rates of financial and non-financial return and enabling a successful outcome. Click here to find out more

top of a hill

INTERIM TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT RESOURCEWith a breadth of managerial and technical experience as well as a network of associates and alliances AMDS Consultants Ltd can help clients of all types resolve shortfalls in local expertise. Click here to find out more

As a measure of our successes using pragmatic approaches suited to individual needs, we have realised cost savings and improved revenues for our clients of more than £200m across all sectors.